Manufacturer API

Methods Download wsdl

List and update manufacturers.

Get data for one manufacturer.


  • required int manufacturerid
  • required ApiRequest requestOptions


Example Request xml

Example Response xml
<s:Envelope xmlns:s=''>
      <GetManufacturerResponse xmlns='Prodibas.API.V1.Manufacturer'>
            <a:Data xmlns:b='Prodibas.API.V1.Model'>
               <b:Address>Drakenbergsgatan 21 BV</b:Address>
               <b:CoAddress>Testadress 2</b:CoAddress>
               <b:InvoiceAddress>Drakenbergsgatan 21 BV</b:InvoiceAddress>
               <b:Phone>08-644 85 00</b:Phone>
               <b:ResponsibleAdminInfo i:nil='true'/>
                  <b:Name>Test Testsson</b:Name>
                  <b:Phone>08-99 99 99</b:Phone>
               <b:ResponsibleCEOInfo i:nil='true'/>
               <b:ResponsibleDocsInfo i:nil='true'/>
               <b:ResponsibleEconomyInfo i:nil='true'/>
               <b:ResponsibleImagesInfo i:nil='true'/>
               <b:ResponsibleMarketInfo i:nil='true'/>
               <b:VisitingAddress>Drakenbergsgatan 21 (ingång 23)</b:VisitingAddress>
               <b:ZipCode>117 41</b:ZipCode>
            <a:User i:nil='true' 

Get data for all manufacturers api user is authorized to view.



Example Request xml

Example Response xml
<s:Envelope xmlns:s=''>
      <GetManufacturersResponse xmlns='Prodibas.API.V1.Manufacturer'>
            <a:Data xmlns:b='Prodibas.API.V1.Model'>
                  ... manufacturer properties
            <a:User i:nil='true' 

Update data for one manufacturer.

NOTE! As of 2016-06-07 Only SafeWater field is supported and only for those users authorized to update it.



Example Request xml
         <apirequest:manufacturer xmlns:i=''>

Example Response xml
<s:Envelope xmlns:s=''>

Common objects

There are some objects that are used in requests/responses across the API services and methods. For example:

  • All requests contains an authentication object
  • The update methods can have validation errors
  • Some requests are queued and a Pingback url can be provided in the request and used instead of polling the corresponding GetResult method


The ApiAuthentication object contains three parts:

  • The company identifier, on the format "MANU" + the company number
  • Industry e.g "VVS" or "SEG"
  • The authentication key

public class ApiAuthentication
    public string CompanyIdentifier { get; set; }   // string.Format("MANU{0}", company.Id)
    public Industry Industry { get; set; }          // see enum below
    public string Key { get; set; }                 // any of your active API keys. 
public enum Industry
    VVS = 1, 
    SEG = 2
Example xml

In example, the key is for the dev environment. Not applicable elsewhere.


Request objects

Every request has to provide authentication information as an input parameter.

Anonymous requests are blocked.

public class ApiRequest
    public ApiAuthentication Authentication { get; set; }
Example xml


 <apirequest:GetByIdentifier> (example method)
 <apirequest:productIdentifier> (example params for this method)
 <apirequest:structuredOutputOptions> (example optional params for this method)
 <apirequest:requestOptions>  (required authentication for all requests )

The ApiQueuedRequest is a request that will be queued and processed in batch.

It will return a QueuedId of the queued request which then can be used to poll result.

public class ApiQueuedRequest : ApiRequest
    public string  PingBackUrl { get; set; }

If PingBackUrl is present, the service will make one HTTP GET request to notify the client-side that the queued work has been processed. Firewall port openings might be required on the client-side. Unreliable if there are network issues.

Example xml

 <apirequest:GetManyByIdentifiersQueued> (example method)
 <apirequest:productIdentifier> (example params for this method)
 <apirequest:structuredOutputOptions> (example optional params for this method)
<apirequest:queuedRequestOptions> (required authentication for all requests )
	<requestparams:PingBackUrl></requestparams:PingBackUrl> (optional PingBackUrl)

The ApiUpdateRequest object is one of the parameters for UpdateSingle

If an update request attempts to update documents (the term documents refers to both images and documents that are linked to a product) the documents are provided in a list of ApiUploadDocument (see below).

The product uri and document is linked together by using the same string value for ApiUploadDocument.FileName and ApiProductUri.Url. Several products and/or product uris can link to the same document. In this case it is only necessary to provide one document in the request.

FileName must be unique within your company's "sandbox". Prodibas will rename the files according to the internal rules.

Enabling changes to documents

Note: The fields Type, TypeIsSpecified, Uri, UriIsSpecified and UrisIsSpecified must be set for any changes of a document to have effect. If the document referred to in field Uri is not an external link, a ApiUploadDocument must also be provided.

public class ApiUpdateRequest : ApiRequest 
    public List<ApiUploadDocument> Documents { get; set; }

public class ApiUploadDocument
    public string FileName { get; set; }
    public byte[] Bytes { get; set; }

See also:

Example xml

<s:Envelope xmlns:s=''>
		<UpdateSingle xmlns='Prodibas.API.V1'>
			<product xmlns:a='Prodibas.API.V1.Model' 
				... product properties...
					... uris...
						... uri properties...
						... uri properties...
					... uris...
						... uri properties...
						... uri properties...
					... uris...
						... uri properties...
						... uri properties...
					... uris...
				... product properties...
			<structuredInputOptions xmlns:a='Prodibas.API.V1.Parameters.OutputOptions' i:nil='true' xmlns:i=''></structuredInputOptions>
			<requestOptions xmlns:a='Prodibas.API.V1.Parameters' xmlns:i=''>
						<a:Bytes>... a base64 encoded document</a:Bytes>
						<a:Bytes>... another base64 encoded document</a:Bytes>

If no documents are provided, the documents section is set to null

        <a:Documents i:nil='true'>

The ApiQueuedUpdateRequest object is one of the parameters for UpdateManyQueued. It's identical to ApiUpdateRequest but also includes the PingBackUrl.

public class ApiQueuedUpdateRequest : ApiUpdateRequest 
    public string PingBackUrl { get; set; }

If PingBackUrl is present, the service will make one HTTP GET request to notify the client-side that the queued work has been processed. Firewall port openings might be required on the client-side. Unreliable if there are network issues.

Response objects

Most API responses contains a Data and a User object. What type Data is depends on the request method. The User object contains information about the user who made the request.

[DataContract(Name = "ApiResponse_{0}")]
public class ApiResponse<T>
    public T Data { get; set; }
    public ApiUser User { get; set; }

public class ApiUser
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

For example, a response could have the following signature:

Example xml

<s:Envelope xmlns:s=''>
		<GetSingleByIdentifierResponse xmlns='Prodibas.API.V1'> (example method)
				<a:Data xmlns:b='Prodibas.API.V1.Model'>
				... product properties...
					<b:Email i:nil='true'/>
					<b:Name>Test Testsson</b:Name>

A queued/batched request returns a ApiQueuedResponse containing a QueueId. The QueueId is used to receive the result by using the GetResult or GetUpdateResult methods.

public class ApiQueuedResponse
    public int QueueId { get; set; }
Example xml

<s:Envelope xmlns:s=''>
		<GetManyByIdentifiersQueuedResponse xmlns='Prodibas.API.V1'> (example method)

Pingback url

A PingBackUrl can optionally be provided in all queued requests.

If PingBackUrl is present, the service will make one HTTP GET request to notify the client-side that the queued work has been processed. Firewall port openings might be required on the client-side. Unreliable if there are network issues.

Add QueueId to the pingback url

You can insert {QueueId} into the pingback url and it will be replaced with the QueueId of the request.

If this is sent to the service:{QueueId}

It could result in a pingback call like this:

Validation errors

Validation errors can be returned in the response as a result of a failed product(s) update operation.

Prodibas uses comprehensive validation of incoming data. Some of the rules relates to other products in the system. There are also rules regarding roles and the right to change some data. If the API refuses to write data because of validation rules, it responds with one or several ApiModelValidationErrors.

Client side should always verify the result of writing data to Prodibas. Client side should also provide a way to present a report to the end-user.

public class ApiModelValidationError 
    public string Field { get; set; }
    public string Message { get; set; } 
Example xml

<s:Envelope xmlns:s=''>
		<UpdateSingleResponse xmlns='Prodibas.API.V1'> (example method)
			<UpdateSingleResult xmlns:a='Prodibas.API.V1.Model' 
						Artikel (4842188-123) valideringsfel. 
						Fält: Benämning Engelsk. Ogiltigt antal tecken. 
						Måste vara 30 eller färre. 
						Angivet värde=AS123 NameEn UpdateSingle 17:44
						Produkt (4842188-123) valideringsfel vid förändring. 
						Fält: Färg. Värdet kan endast ändras av en administratör.

public class ApiManufacturer
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Alias { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string BankGiro { get; set; }
    public string PlusGiro { get; set; }
    public string OrgNumber { get; set; }
    public string VisitingAddress { get; set; }
    public string CoAddress { get; set; }
    public string Address { get; set; }
    public string Website { get; set; }
    public string ZipCode { get; set; }
    public string City { get; set; }
    public string Phone { get; set; }
    public string Fax { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }
    public string CountryIdentifier { get; set; }
    public ApiManufacturerStatus Status { get; set; }
    public DateTime ModifiedAt { get; set; }
    public DateTime RegisteredAt { get; set; }
    public bool AllowUseApi { get; set; }
    public int ApiRoleUserId { get; set; }
    public bool IsContractSigned { get; set; }
    public bool IsWholesaler { get; set; }
    public bool IsMemberManufacturerCouncel { get; set; }
    public bool IsSafeWaterCertified { get; set; }
    public bool IsSafeWaterCertifiedIsSpecified { get; set; }
    public ApiManufacturerResponsibleInfo ResponsibleAdminInfo { get; set; }
    public ApiManufacturerResponsibleInfo ResponsibleDocsInfo { get; set; }
    public ApiManufacturerResponsibleInfo ResponsibleImagesInfo { get; set; }
    public ApiManufacturerResponsibleInfo ResponsibleCEOInfo { get; set; }
    public ApiManufacturerResponsibleInfo ResponsibleMarketInfo { get; set; }
    public ApiManufacturerResponsibleInfo ResponsibleEconomyInfo { get; set; }
    public ApiManufacturerResponsibleInfo ResponsibleBvdInfo { get; set; }
    public ApiPayIdType PayId { get; set; }
    public string PayIdStr { get; set; }
    public string Ean { get; set; }
    public string InfoText { get; set; }
    public string InvoiceAddress { get; set; }
    public string InvoiceZipCode { get; set; }
    public string InvoiceCity { get; set; }
    public string InvoiceCountryIdentifier { get; set; }
    public string InvoiceReference { get; set; }
    public bool InvoiceByEmail { get; set; }
    public string UserMessage { get; set; }
Example xml
<b:Address>Drakenbergsgatan 21 BV</b:Address>
<b:CoAddress>Testadress 2</b:CoAddress>
<b:InvoiceAddress>Drakenbergsgatan 21 BV</b:InvoiceAddress>
<b:Phone>08-644 85 00</b:Phone>
<b:ResponsibleAdminInfo i:nil='true'/>
   <b:Name>Test Testsson</b:Name>
   <b:Phone>08-99 99 99</b:Phone>
<b:ResponsibleCEOInfo i:nil='true'/>
<b:ResponsibleDocsInfo i:nil='true'/>
<b:ResponsibleEconomyInfo i:nil='true'/>
<b:ResponsibleImagesInfo i:nil='true'/>
<b:ResponsibleMarketInfo i:nil='true'/>
<b:VisitingAddress>Drakenbergsgatan 21 (ingång 23)</b:VisitingAddress>
<b:ZipCode>117 41</b:ZipCode>

public class ApiManufacturerResponsibleInfo
    public ApiManufacturerResponsibleInfoType Type { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }
    public string Phone { get; set; }
Example xml
   <b:Name>Test Testsson</b:Name>
   <b:Phone>08-99 99 99</b:Phone>

public enum ApiManufacturerResponsibleInfoType
    Admin = 0,
    Docs = 1,
    Images = 2,
    CEO = 4,
    Market = 8,
    Economy = 16,
    Bvd = 32
public enum ApiManufacturerStatus
    Active = 0, // Aktiv
    Passive = 1, // Passiv
    NotCustomer = 2, // Ej anmäld - exkluderas
    Bankrupted = 3, // Konkurs
    Ceased = 4, // Upphört
    NotOnSwedishMarket = 5, // Ej på svenska marknaden - exkluderas
    NoActiveRSKNumbers = 6, // Har inga aktiva RSK-Nummer
    HasLeftMembership = 7, // Avböjt medverkan i RSK
    NewCustomer = 8, // Ny kund
    OnlyComfortManufacturer = 9 // Enbart Comfortleverantör
 public enum ApiPayIdType
    Inget = 0, // Inget
    Annual = 1, // Betalning kalenderår
    Broken = 2, // Betalning brutet år
    Quarter = 3, // Betalning kvartal
    OtherCurrency = 4, // Betalning annan valuta